Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter in Incheon

We officially have snow on the ground in Incheon. Yesterday was the first major snowfall. My students were running down the hallways screaming in glee, only stopping long enough to grab some freshly fallen snow off the window sill and shoving this down their friends' backs. Yes, winter is truly here.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me to capture this, but today Corey took some pictures on the way to school. It was early morning so the students weren't quite awake enough to be enjoying the snow and ice. Plus, our schools are on the top of a hill, which means that the slope is pretty much a downhill ice rink. So we had to climb the huge stone steps that lead up to Sunhwa. There's no railing, but they're still less slippery than the steep path up the hill without stairs.

I made it to the top!

It's the climb.

Artsy photo of the sun and snow on the clock outside Sunhwa 

This evening Corey and I took advantage of some craft material my mom sent in a Chanukah package. We made beeswax candles for the menorah (also part of the package) so we're all ready for Saturday night candle lighting.

Corey making an artisan candle

Our menorah and our mini Hanbok


  1. We don't have a hint of snow in the northeast, USA yet. BTW, I thought you'd appreciate this link:

  2. Corey is going to want his own craft corner soon. Look how artistic he is becoming in Korea. I like your little Korean Chanukah shrine. Eat some latkes and stay warm. Love, Mom (Janet)
