Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Those other three weeks in May, including Busan

I'm actually at home with the flu today. It's been that kind of month. The 10-12 weekend was a write off because I had the flu (or it may have been food poisoning) then too. Luckily, I didn't have to miss any school on the Friday because it was my school's anniversary so it was a day-off for me. I had made big plans to do some banking on that day off, since usually we get the same holidays as the bank and then the bank is closed. Instead, I stayed home and puked up my insides. As the Yiddish saying goes, "Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht." It translates to "Man plans and G-d laughs." 

The following week, on April 15th, we celebrated Teacher's Day at school. I didn't have any classes to teach, but students came by my office and brought small gifts of candy, dried squid, and the school gave all the teachers a little flower brooch. We had a fancy lunch with curry and hamburgers. By then, I was even able to eat some of it. 

The next weekend was pretty low-key. Corey and I went to Wolmido for a few hours and walked along the boardwalk. I forgot to take my camera with me, but we did end up in a photo taken by a bunch of kids doing a "scavenger hunt." I guess they had to find foreigners as one of their items. 

We had an exciting adventure weekend after that. Corey and I took the KTX to Busan and visited Haeundae Beach. It's kind of early in the season, so it wasn't crowded with people like the pictures we've seen and the water was freezing so very few people were swimming. Corey was one of the crazy ones who took a dip in that icy bath. I enjoyed staying in the nice warm sun. 

I'm too tired to write in more detail, so I think I'll just post the pictures and let you piece it together. 
leaving footprints

market street with fresh seafood

posing by the market street sign

in the sun

Our first visit to a TGI Fridays

The view of the beach from TGI Fridays

Corey the Pisces

someone's dinner

fishing boats?

unexpected garden

the boardwalk at night


The Hawaiian breakfast buffet

Corey on land

Garden walk


Great cafe!

Mmm food.

On the way back to Busan station

Ok, time for another nap.

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