Sunday, July 28, 2013

July Events

July has been wonderfully busy. I'll just go over the highlights.

I went shopping with my friend, Chris, at D-cube city. The mall is a typical western-style mall with a bunch of clothing stores all selling the same kinds of clothing. The best part of our shopping day was definitely lunch at the chain restaurant Burger Hunter. We've been to another one near City Hall in Seoul, so we knew we'd be in for some delicious burgers. We were so excited we almost ate the menus! Luckily the food came out pretty quickly and looked as good in real-life as it had in the photo.

Eating the menu

The real deal

We also got a really nice invitation for dinner with Julianne's family who live in Korea. We met her parents, sisters, brothers-in-law, and adorable nieces and nephews. The children even put on singing and drama performances for us in English. Everyone made us feel very welcome and the homemade Korean food was delicious!

Julianne's family

We also made the trek down to Mud Fest with a few thousand other people from near and far. Corey and I did paint on some of the mineral mud, but we avoided the giant mud pool and mud wrestling area.   The beach was extra crowded, but still really nice. The waves were super high, which was fun too.

Jets perform a flying show over the festival

Vats of mud and mud slides

The beach

posing in front of the mud slide after washing my mud off


I ran summer English camp the week after mud fest. We did a writing activity each day, but also had time to listen to some music vides, watch Hannah Montana, perform skits, play games, and make ice cream. I enjoyed getting to know the students throughout the week. On the last day, the students did a scavenger hunt. When they couldn't find some of the items on the list in the time allotted, they drew pictures of them or wrote the words in the sand. I gave them partial points for creativity and problem-solving. 

making and eating ice cream 

scavenger hunt item

Finally, Corey and I found time for a calm date night. We went to a Chinese restaurant close to the apartment that we've been meaning to try for a while. The food was really good and the place was so interesting. It's on the second floor of a plaza and each table had its own closed off booth with privacy curtains. Even though its hard to spot because of the location, the restaurant was full of couples and families.

Corey with bingsu (shaved ice dessert) and soju

Bulgogi and a baked potato

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