Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gangnam Style

This post is very late, but I just realized I didn't write about our Psy adventure!

You've probably heard of Psy, but in case you're living under a rock I will explain that Psy is the singer of the world famous song Gangnam Style and he's an especially big deal here in his native Korea. So when Corey found out that Psy was going to be performing a live concert at City Hall in Seoul there was no way we could miss the chance to hear Gangnam Style performed live by Psy himself.

After school on Thursday, October 4th, Corey and I made our way to Seoul by subway. We got to City Hall around 9pm. Psy wasn't expected to perform until 10pm, but already the place was packed. There were people crowding every surface of pavement. There were even people standing on top of cars and the roofs of subway station shelters to get a better view. I didn't dare take out my camera for fear of losing it in the crowd.

It was crazy! There were 80 000 people crammed into the square.I'm not just talking teen fans, but everyone from business men in suits to senior citizens and young children. All of them were singing along to Psy's entire concert. Who knew he even had enough songs for an entire concert? It was so funny to hear an entire city chanting in unison to Gangnam style though. Every man, woman, and child was screaming at the top of their lungs "Heeeeeeeeeeeey sexy lady!" 

The concert finished after 11pm so we could only take the subway halfway back toward Incheon since our part of the line was closed for the night. Then we took a half hour taxi ride back to the apartment, but it only cost about the equivalent of $30. Let's just say the concert was well worth the price of admission plus cab fare.

(Corey took pictures at the concert. He's very brave. I will post them soon.)

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