Saturday, October 6, 2012

Incheon Hikes

Thanks to Chuseok, Corey and I only had a two-day-work-week this past week so the order of events is a little confused in my mind, but I will try to fill in what I can remember.

On one of our days off, we went exploring right in our own backyard. Just on the other side of Dowha station (the station directly next to our apartment), there is a nice park area. It has  performance space and then a stairway up into the hills that leads to a memorial shrine at the top. Corey and I wandered up into the hills, stopping to admire the artificial waterfalls built into the space, the real trees and flowers, and various other spaces carved out for a basketball court, playground, and exercise equipment. When we got to the top we did see the shrine, but we were also surprised to find a small petting zoo and sculptures of cartoon characters. 

We also spent a day in a part of Incehon called Yeonsu. We had bibimbap for lunch and then wandered around the area. I wanted to try and hike Munhak Mountain, but we could never really find a clear path up the mountain. Instead, Corey and I settled for hiking along a little path near the base of the mountain and then looking around at Munhak Stadium, which is one of the stadiums that will be used for the 2014 Asian Games being held here in Incheon. To get to the path that led to the stadium we walked through what looked like a little farm where people were harvesting vegetables. Then we went under a bridge and up some stairs to find ourselves on a track that goes around the stadium. You never know what you'll find when you start walking!

We went on one other long walk around Incheon, but we didn't take a camera with us so there are no pictures. Mostly we walked past a lot of apartment buildings and construction sites that are probably future apartment buildings. We did see a nice marketplace though and an underground library and art gallery. On our way back some ladies called us over to where they had set up a tent. They asked us where we were from, gave us coffee, and invited us to join their church. We politely declined even though I'm not sure they understood, but they smiled and gave us a package of hand wipes with a picture of jesus on the front. 

We also went to our first movie at a Korean movie theatre over Chuseok. We went to see Resident Evil. It was in English with Korean subtitles, but there was very little dialogue and the plot was pretty straightforward so the language wasn't much of a factor in it. Corey took a picture of the theatre, but it doesn't quite do justice to how huge it is. The box office is on the sixth floor of the mall and the actual theatres are on the 7th-9th stories. 

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