Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tests and Peppero Day

This weekend's been quite lazy. Yesterday the weather was fairly warm and sunny. We did get out to walk a bit which was good. We ate lunch at a traditional Korean restaurant and then went grocery shopping at the local supermarket which is just across the subway tracks from our Dohwa apartment.

Today has been rainy and cold. I haven't even bothered to change out of my pajamas. It's Peppero day, which is kind of like valentines day in Korea, where people give their friends and loved ones peppero (a kind of cookie). I got a heart shaped one for Corey, but I forgot to take a photo of it before he ate it. He says "it was delicious" though.

The week at school at school was pretty typical. A lot of textbook work to get through. The third grade students are getting ready for their end-of-year tests which determine which high schools they can get into next year so things are a little bit more tense than usual.

The Senior high school students also wrote their end of year tests on Thursday. It's kind of like the SAT  in the States. All the Senior students in Korea write on the same day and most of the schools and some businesses close so that people can go and cheer on the students who are going to write. Corey's school was closed, but mine stayed open. I took some photos of the high school and of my own school with the pretty Fall colours.

Crowd cheering on senior students at Sunin High School

Walkway to Sunin Middle School

Stairway to our school library

Sunin Middle School from the front

Trees to be planted

That's about all the excitement this week. I'll try and be better about taking photos of stuff that happens next week. Until then, Happy Peppero Day!

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