Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wolmi do

Last Sunday, Corey and I went out for a little walk as we often do. We started in the direction of our schools, near Jemulpo subway station. Then we kept walking because Corey wanted to go to the edge of Incheon and be by the water. I think it's because he's a Pisces, but he's always drawn to water.

So we walked about an hour more until we were near a boat port, but it was off limits except for people involved in shipping goods to China. So we walked further on and there was an International Ferry Dock, but again it was gated off so we could barely even glimpse the water. 

Across the street from the ferry dock was an E-Mart (kind of like Wal-Mart) We went inside and looked around. I bought some fuzzy socks and an even fuzzier robe in preparation for Winter. That used up all my cash, but Corey assured me he'd buy me lunch when we got to some place that was more interesting to eat than the cafeteria at E-Mart.

With this plan to get lunch, we set off again. I think it was around this time that I saw the signs for Wolmido--an island amusement park surrounded by water. It seemed like the perfect destination to find Corey his large body of water and for me to get some lunch.

So we walked and walked and walked until I was starving and couldn't walk anymore. Corey bought me a box of cookies at a variety store and I ate the entire thing as we walked. We passed hotels. We passed monuments. We passed China Town. Still, we were determined to reach Wolmi do.

Eventually we did get there. We saw the sign that told use we'd reached Wolmi do. Then we walked along a path that led through beautiful gardens and up some stairs that wound their way into a forested area, but still no water and still nowhere to get lunch (which by this time would be dinner).

Finally, after about another half hour of walking around the island, we came to the boardwalk! Best of all, there were a ton of interesting restaurants that lined the walkway. After a few photos in front of the ocean, we found a restaurant with a big window overlooking the water. We ate some fish (since we were by the ocean after all) and sat for quite a while looking out the window at the boats passing by and artists painting characachers and little kids driving in remote controlled cars.

Afterward we walked past the amusement park rides and then took the bus home. We both agreed the walk had been worthwhile.

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