Friday, February 1, 2013

Winter Warm Up

Corey and I are back at school and teaching this week. The students have one random week of classes before they graduate. They know their grades are already decided so they aren't very motivated to learn new material. I've been playing games like 20 Questions, Hex and Hot Seat with all my classes.

The nice thing about being back at school is we get mail sometimes. We got a winter warm-up package from Corey's mom with many delicious and warming things inside.

Corey used the gravy to top off some homemade chicken stir fry. Yum!

Our Thursday night was spent with the board games in Bupyeong group. We took over a few tables at the local cafe, Coffeesmith, and set up a variety of boardgames. Corey and I played Red November with some other foreign teachers. It was a bit of a sad ending when our drunken gnomes died before they could save their submarine.

Bupyeong is a magical place. Besides being the meet up spot for many events, it's also a huge labyrinth of a shopping mall. Corey stopped to pose beside a mannequin wearing a lovely SMILE sweater. It has many English words that don't make sense when read together which is typical for clothing items found around Korea.

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