Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vacation in Phuket, Thailand

We've just returned from a week in Thailand. The weather was 30 degrees celcius every day. Our hotel had beautiful pools to swim in or just lie around. I can't be sure how long we spent just sitting in the sun, but it was at least enough time for me to read three novels.

We were just a short walk from the beach. It was always a little crowded on the sand, but the ocean had plenty of room for everyone.

The hotel's breakfast buffet was loaded with things we haven't seen since we left Canada like cheese and watermelon. There was even beef stew! Sounds strange for breakfast, but beef is hard to come by in Incheon, so we didn't question this. The hotel also had a coffee and cake shop. Mmm cake.

Patong Beach, the area where we stayed in Phuket, is a tourist destination above all else. There are shops and restaurants along every street and then there are food carts and independent sales people of all kinds along the sidewalk. There is no safe place to walk where you will not be offered a ride in a "tuk tuk"(an open air kind of taxi) or pulled along by the arm to "the best custom tailor in Phuket". We didn't shop too much. Mostly we just bought more food and drink. So much deliciousness!

There are also a lot of tourist activities you can sign up for. The only one I did was Hanuman ziplining. It was an incredible experience. The people who run it come into Patong Beach area and pick up a bunch of people staying in the various hotels there. My group consisted of three Russian tourists, a family from Australia/New Zealand, and me. We all took turns taking photos of each other flying, less than gracefully, through the trees.

Corey enjoyed the night life. (I did too when I could stay awake). There was so much going on just on the streets that it was impossible to take it all in. There were whole streets of lit up bars and disco a-go-go places. There were people who tried to hand you monkeys to play with, while demanding 100 baht for this strange entertainment. Meanwhile you could have your pick of ferrel cats and dogs to play with for free (if you don't mind that most of them have fleas) because they'd stalk you all day and night, begging you to love them or, more importantly, feed them.

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