Sunday, September 2, 2012

Arrival in Korea

I said I would figure out how to start a blog, so here it is. Over this year I will try to document some of the adventures Corey and I face in our new home. Let's start with our arrival here in Incheon, South Korea.

At the airport, Corey and I met several other English teachers that would be on the same flight with us. It was reassuring to find out everyone was a mix of nerves and excitement. The 13 hour flight went by pretty quickly. I watched about four movies and a couple TV shows. The stewardesses kept bringing us food. Then we landed at Incheon airport.

All us English teachers got through customs quite quickly and efficiently. We met up with our various agencies at the gate. Corey and I met up with our Canadian connection group and piled our stuff, then ourselves, into a small shuttle bus to our hotel.

We  took the Incheondaegyou Expressway from the airport into the city. It's a long bridge with water on both sides, creating some beautiful views. When we got to the Hotel Royal Incheon, we had fifteen minutes to sort out our rooms and get ready for dinner. After dinner, Corey and I joined a few other teachers to take a walk around the block, looking at local shops and an outdoor market. We fell asleep soon after we returned to the hotel.

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