Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We is being teachers now!

Corey and I have started work at our respective schools this week. Corey is at Sunhwa Girls Middle School and I am at Sunin Boys Middle School. The schools are right next door to each other. We actually share a courtyard area. I will try and add photos soon. I should also mention that the schools are at the top of a steep hill so when we look out we can see the tops of buildings and mountains in the distance. It's very pretty!

I co-teach with five different Korean, English, teachers. They are really nice and they've all been very welcoming. They all have different styles of teaching and each of the classes is quite different in their levels of English and their behaviour in class. I like the students a lot! I have 21 different classes and I teach each class once a week. Most of them are really excited to learn English.

I am learning about K-Pop from my students and when I used "Girl's Generation" as a Hangman word in class, they were thrilled. They also listen to Gangnam style every day at lunch, in case you're wondering. Today though, I heard some of the boys singing along to T.Swift's latest song, which I think gives me the green light on using her music/lyrics in class.

I will post more updates soon and more pictures. For now, here are some pics of one of the apartments. Corey and I each have one, since it's in our contracts.

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