Sunday, September 23, 2012

These are some places in our neighbourhood

Corey and I have settled in to our life in Incheon pretty well now. We finally unpacked the last of the suitcases today! Yay! We have a solid routine where we take the subway to our schools together in the morning and walk home in the afternoon when the weather is nice. Friday, Corey stays at school late to rehearse The Wizard of Oz which he is preparing to perform with his students in the English festival next month.

In the evenings and on the weekends we get some time to explore the area where Corey and I have our two apartments. One of the apartments is across from a movie theatre and Juan subway station. There are a lot of restaurants all around and the streets are always busy with cars and motorcycles. There's a pizza place called "Pizza Maru" just half a block away and a 7/11 half a block away in the opposite direction. There is also a Paris Baguette at the corner of the street, which is a popular chain bakery here,

The other apartment, where we spend most of our time, is in a quieter, more residential area. There are a lot of houses and apartments, quite a few little gardens that people keep up, and some variety stores. On the main street, a two minute walk away, there is a really good bakery that I have visited several times now. I think it's called Hans. They make super fresh bread and delicious cakes and pastries. There's also an underground supermarket that sells a bit of everything. They have some fruits and vegetables that always look a bit aged, boxed snack food, and essentially anything you'd find at a Dollarama in Canada. Here's a picture of the apartment and the laneway that leads up to it.

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